Product Progress Update - July 23, 2024:
ND75 Keyboard Assembled Edition
In stock: normal delivery
July batch: delayed delivery
We regret to inform you that due to delayed delivery by the manufacturer, the arrival of accessories into the warehouse and the assembly of the product are delayed. It will take 10 days to transport the goods to the warehouse for assembly after arrival, so the delivery time will be delayed. We understand the inconvenience this may cause you. We are very sorry for this. We will deal with this issue as soon as possible and ensure that your order can be completed in the shortest time.
Assembly time: Estimated 10 days
Delivery time: Estimated August
Coming Soon on Chilkey
1.ND65-Under development.
2.ND TKL-Under development.
3.DDA keycaps
4.ND75 Barebone Edition
5.ND75 Plate
In-Stock on Chilkey
1.[In Stock] Paw 65 Assembled Edition – Chilkey
2.[In Stock] Paw 65 Barebone Edition – Chilkey
3.[In Stock] Paw 65 Deskmat Series – Chilkey
4.[In Stock] ND75 Deskmat – Chilkey
5.[In Stock] Chilkey Switch Series
6.ND75 Keyboard Assembled Edition – Chilkey(White;1.6mm)